Thursday, December 18, 2014

Conserve Water Project

Conserve Water!

I started the poster by searching up the details and facts about fresh water. It is always good to know what you are designing for and information is definitely the key to success. Here is what my research came down to.

Why is it a cause for concern?
Community Solutions:
  • Promote water conservation in community newsletters, on bulletin boards and by example. Encourage your friends, neighbors and co-workers to "do their part."
  • Fix old sprinkler heads in the community.
  • Go to schools in the area to promote water conservation
Family Solutions:
  • Don’t soak your lawn every day. Try to water your lawn every other day.
  • Instead of spraying down the garage, use a large broom to sweep it up.
  • When waiting for your shower to be warm, put a bucket under it and use that water to water plants in your backyard.

Why YOU should care:
  • less than 1% of all the water on Earth can be used by people
  • When we reduce our water consumption, we protect the environment from contamination and support ecosystem health.
  • Clean, uncontaminated water is essential for human health.

Afterward was sketching. I made a few sketches, but this was what I decided to go with.

I then took this photo and used Illustrator to do the poster. I made the graphics in Illustrator and then added text. Finished project:

Colony Termite Logo!

For this post I will be explain how I made the Colony Termite Logo and Business card.

I always start with a sketch/sketches.

From there I put in on Illustrator to pen it out to get a feel for the font I want. I usually spend hours staring at it, making changes and then taking a break to refresh my brain and come back to keep editing.

Afterwards, I go on the internet to search for fonts that fit what I am looking for. I usually choose 2-3 and play around with it.

I make 4 variants with different colors. The most important ones are probably the black and white ones, to save companies money with printing costs.

After I choose the one that I feel fits the company to best, I then go to designing the business card. Tinkering with fonts, layouts, and various colors.

Friday, October 10, 2014

Pictograph: Game Genre Icons

These pictographs are all game genre related. In this blog post, I will go over what I did to make these icons.

Although limited to 4 colors, these icons represent their genres well.

Like with all good design pieces, everything starts with brainstorming. I drew 30 ideas I can use in my sketchbook. Out of those, I chose 16. From there, I went on Illustrator and began drawing the items with the pen tool. Afterwards I chose a background I wanted my icons on. I wanted something simple so I went with a blunt rectangle. Then I chose 4 colors to further unite my images.

Out of the 16 I did, I chose 12. It is all about quality, not quantity. Do extra ones and see how they look and then pick out the ones you want.

Thursday, August 21, 2014

My Toon Character

This character is Yin. He was made in Adobe Illustrator.

Like always, I started out with sketches of different character concepts. From there I chose my favorite out of them all. 

Then I placed it into illustrator and used the pen tool to bring him on to the computer. Using various stroke sizes to make the character look interesting, I tried to make a character that kids will love. After finishing the first pose, I made a turn around. 

Afterwards I made a few poses for him. These poses are poses he will commonly be in. To complete these poses, face expressions are a must. I made expressions for all the poses and a few extra for good measure.