Thursday, December 18, 2014

Colony Termite Logo!

For this post I will be explain how I made the Colony Termite Logo and Business card.

I always start with a sketch/sketches.

From there I put in on Illustrator to pen it out to get a feel for the font I want. I usually spend hours staring at it, making changes and then taking a break to refresh my brain and come back to keep editing.

Afterwards, I go on the internet to search for fonts that fit what I am looking for. I usually choose 2-3 and play around with it.

I make 4 variants with different colors. The most important ones are probably the black and white ones, to save companies money with printing costs.

After I choose the one that I feel fits the company to best, I then go to designing the business card. Tinkering with fonts, layouts, and various colors.

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